Monday, June 14, 2010

Love heart

Love heart

Fairy love

Fair love

Love is beautiful

Love is beautiful

What Makes a Guy Fall in Love? What You Need to Know Before Entering a Relationship

Do you have any idea what makes a guy fall in love or are you just playing it by ear? Do you know what you are getting yourself into when you try to win a guy's heart? Would like some sound advice before entering a relationship with another person? Love can be a tricky thing if you aren't really sure what you're doing? Get all the facts before you try to win his heart. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know.

Sex isn't going to make him fall in love

It's important that you get that misconception out of your head now. Sex isn't the key that is going to let you win his heart. It doesn't matter if you have sex with him a million times. When sex comes before love, all it does is boost lust, which is something that you want to stay away from. When you are sure that you have a solid emotional connection, then it will be okay to get more intimate. Sex is more like glue: it will bind you together. However, it is not something you want to use as a foundation for your relationship.

Your personality is what is going to hook him

Believe it or not, it is who you are on the inside that will make a guy fall in love. All of the other stuff maybe nice, but he is going to fall in love with your personality, your demeanor, your humor, your strength. He is not going to fall in love with the bikini your wearing, or the new color you died your hair. Again, all of those things might attract him to you initially, but when push comes to shove, it is you that his heart will come to love.

Respect yourself and he will respect you

Respect is a big part of relationships. How can you expect someone to love you if they do not even respect you? You can gain his respect just by how you carry yourself. You have to dress the part. Dress as if you really care about your appearance and your perception. You have to be career oriented or at least have a life goal or plan. You can't just be living at home with no thought of trying to build a better future for yourself.

Talk to him

It doesn't really matter what you talk about. It is just really important that you have a constant stream of communication. Communication is what will keep your relationship health years down the road, so it will be better if you start practicing now. Talking is also what will seal the deal with him. The better you can talk to each other, the faster he will fall for you.

What makes a guy fall in love?

You have to know that just sitting there looking pretty will not make a guy fall in love with you. You have to play a more active role if you want the relationship to last. Know that sex alone is not enough to make him fall in love with you. You have to respect yourself so you can win his respect. Talk to him and get him to open up.

Make a Guy Fall in Love - A Trick That Works Every Time

Do it pain you that you can't seem to make a guy fall in love with you? Do you feel that you will never be truly be happy unless you find that one guy who completes you. Would you like to know a few dating tricks that work almost every time? There is no reason to get down about your dating life.

Try to look at things through his eyes.

Women and men are so fundamentally different that often it is very hard to look at things from the opposite perspective. Because of that women and men often get the wrong image of the other. Women firmly believe that a lot of times guys are only out for sex and could care less about being in a meaningful relationship.

Contrary to that belief, men do fall in love, and men do want commitment when they are ready. However, men run on a different timeline. It takes guys much longer to fall in love then it does for girls. Why is that? The exact reason is unknown, but there is a lot of speculation that it is because men are more guarded about their heart and their emotions.

Increasing his tempo

Naturally, any girl will get impatient waiting for a guy to fall in love when she is completely head over heels. You may be feeling the same way about your relationship wondering how you can make him fall in love. There just might be a way for you to get him to increase his tempo.

If you want a guy to fall in love with you quicker than you have to make it seem that you have know each other for much longer than you already have. How do you make that happen? You've got to get in as much time with him as possible doing as many different things as possible. That will force him to have many different experiences with you as well as many different memories. The more memories he has, the longer it will seem to him that you've known him.

After a week, it seem as if you've been together for a much longer time than that. He will quickly get more accustomed to you, and it will be much quicker for him to fall for you. This is not a deceptive practice because you are doing nothing but just spending a lot of quality time with him.

You can make a guy fall in love faster by making it seem that you have known each other for much longer.

Make Any Guy Fall in Love - 3 Secrets You Need to Know

Do you know that you have the potential to make any guy fall in love with you? Did you know that with a few small changes you can make yourself a hot item that any guy would want to be with? Would you like to know three time tested secrets that will make you the girl of any guys dreams? Well today is your day to take your love life to the next level. Keep reading to take the first step in your journey.

Be comfortable with yourself

Do you like who you are as a person? Are you ok with the decisions you've been making? Are you comfortable with yourself? The step to making a guy fall in love with you, is you being able to love yourself. Guys don't really want to be your emotionally support unless you really need it. Instead they want girls who are confident, independent, and able to live on their own. If you really on guys to make your life go, then you need to reexamine your life.

Be able to talk to him

For most people, the best part of relationships is knowing that they always have a friend near. If you want to develop that level of friendship with a guy, if you want to make any guy fall in love, then you have to be able to talk to him. There is more to relationships then just looking pretty. You've got to be more of a complete package if you want to win his heart. Talking to him will help solidify your relationship and eventually his love.

Be yourself

There is no one else out there that looks exactly like you, likes the same things you do, have your personality, your humor. You are truly one of a kind, unique. That is why you can't be nervous to be yourself. If you really have a funny bone, then crack jokes. If you like country music, then introduce him to some of it. If you just be yourself then you will be like a breath of fresh air to him.

Dating Ideas - Make a Guy Fall in Love

To make a guy fall in love; do you think you have what it takes? Dating can be a complicating and confusing thing, are you sure you are ready for such a commitment. Do you need a little extra help to ensure that you win his heart? If you fit that description than this article will help you overcome all of your uncertainties. Keep reading to find out more.

Men have a really annoying habit of confusing love and lust. A lot of time they are really attracted to a girl when the first meet her but it is mostly physical. A lot of women would probably appreciate it if guys were better able to tell the difference, but that probably won't change anytime soon. It should only make you appreciate even more how difficult it really is to make a guy fall in love.

Idea 1 - Be his friend

Guys really are simply. They would rather open up to a girl who they have a friendship with than a girl who they just met. Being his friend will put you ahead of a lot of other girls when it comes to winning his heart. Besides, how much different is dating and friendship? Sure friendship does not have the physical aspect of relationships, but they can be just as intimate. You can really get to know a guy through friendship and he can also get to know you.

Idea 2 - Don't push the envelope

So after you finally convince him to start dating, you may want the relationship to get intimate quick. But if he is not at that stage yet, then make sure that you don't push him. Men like to take their time to get their emotions under control. While he is getting his stuff in order just enjoy spending time with him. There is no words that can explain the joy of being in a relationship with a guy that you love. So take advantage of it, relax, and have fun.

Advice For New Relationships - What Makes a Guy Fall in Love?

Do you have the knowledge it takes to know what makes a guy fall in love? Are you prepare emotionally and mentally to enter into a relationship with a guy? Do you need some outside advice to help you in your new relationship? Relationships can be a tricky thing. Not everyone is blessed with a lot of experience to rely on the good thing for you is that there are many dating experts out there willing to share their knowledge with you. Keep reading to find out more.

Guys really aren't only out there for sex. If a guy is looking to be in a relationship then he is looking for something much deeper. They are actually looking to connect with a woman heart to heart.

A Great friend

One thing that will always rub guys the right way if he has a very real friendship with his girl. There Is something about friendship that just makes relationships became more passionate and intimate. If you want to make him fall in love then you need to prove to him that you can be a great friend to him. You have to be there for him when he needs someone to talk with. You have to cheer him up when he's down.

A respectful women

You have to treat your relationship as if it is something that you are willing to put your whole heart into. If you can't give your all then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. A guy will not respect you if you are going half hearted in your relationship. If you want he to know for sure that you are sincere then you have to show him how serious you are. Let him see that you really do care about him. Let him see that you respect him and would never do anything to hurt him.

A girl he can talk to

Guys want a girl who is open enough to engage him in interesting conversations. They want a girl who they can tell all of their hopes and dreams as well as their deepest fears. Communication is the one factor that will keep your relationship going strong for a long time. Talking is probably the quickest way to get him to trust you enough to open up to him. Try to get him to talk to you and your relationship will grow to new heights.

Romantic Dating Tips - Make Him Fall in Love

Does it seem as if to successfully make him fall in love you will have to sell your soul? Have you almost given up on all hope of having him be interested in being in a relationship with you? Would you like to know how adding a little romance to your dating life can help you tremendously? Keep reading to find out more.

Get emotional

If you want to make him fall in love, then you have to make him open up. You need to focus all of your efforts on making an emotional bond with him. The strongest relationships are built on friendship. Being friends will allow you to really get to know him and vice versa. Open up to him and that will encourage him to be more open to you.

Get respect

To build a lasting relationship then you have to have his respect. It is ok if he finds you really attractive physically, but above that he should find your personality and individuality even more attractive. You may gain his interest by being cute and funny, but you will make him fall in love by showing him your true feelings for him. Guys can tell if your heart really isn't in a relationship. So go in with the mindset that you are giving him your all.

Get patient

There is no need to rush to have sex when you are trying to make him fall in love. Holding off on sex will allow the emotional side of the relationship enough time to grow and blossom. You will be free to discovery each other and develop a real connection. Having sex too early will only cause him to lose focus of what should be really important in the relationship and focus on something not that can wait till later.

You can make him fall in love. Use these three romantic dating tips, and you will have his heart in his hands.