Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentine Month

I am wishing you all a belated happy Valentine’s Day. I sincerely hope that all you people out there had a great time. I have been very busy lately and thus my blog has been neglected. I apologize for this mistake.
However many interesting things happened during this sabbatical. I had gone to Ahmedabad (Gujarat) for a dear friend’s wedding. I really enjoyed and it was rocking get together. I made new friends and I realized that marriage is the most beautiful institution made by man. Love adds color to life but happiness is attained only after marriage. Couples feel complete and sorted after they legally identify and portray their relationship.
Love makes you smile and also cry. Life is not a bed of roses and you may come across the dark moments in your relation when the going gets difficult. You should not lose hope and walk ahead. If your love is true and have unbeatable faith in your partner you will always emerge victorious and love will win. It is so easy to judge people and find faults but it is difficult to be positive and loving when incessant fights, irritating disturbances and annoying miscommunications clouds the mind.
Love transcends all obstacles and if you are a firm believer of love and its positive side-effects darkness and depression cannot envelope you. You must have heard this saying it is pitch dark before dawn and similarly fights bring you closer to each other and an enhanced level of understanding surfaces. But if your relationship is false in nature then there are high chances of break-ups.
Life is not always about winning or losing. It is about loving caring and having relationships that last you a lifetime. You can be robbed off your money but not loved ones. So like I always say please believe in love and light up your life with candles of love.

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